Name: Morten Gaarden

Residence: North Denmark - 9000 Aalborg

Experience: Self-taught


Generally about Morten Gaarden:

Self-taught young promising artist who has received a fantastic welcome to the big art-scene, with exhibitions in Germany and many places in Denmark. He began with pencil-drawing, but later he was more and more fascinated by the play of colors.

He loves  things that bear the mark of abstract and is fascinated by contrasts and the combinations which the colors can contribute with. He is inspired by the explosive power. This can also be seen in his modern and expressionistic art.

The energy and the spirit in the art of Morten Gaarden, is created in the form of contrastfull color-combinations, and in the creation of depth that you can explore.

He has exhibited his art in Germany, Hamburg, and many places in Denmark. In addition, he has also received offers from New York and Montreal in Canada.

Morten Gaarden is also the leader of the danish project called: "The Abstracts", which is a limited collection of abstract artists on a high level.



Well, where did it all begin?

From when I was a little child, my parents took me to different art-exhibitions, and while my father painted himself and exhibited, I guess I followed art since childhood.

In the beginning I was not captivated by art, but as I got older it became more and more interesting. Gradually it resulted in quite a few drawings in the school lessons. Maybe it was because of boredom, but it followed me discretely up through the years.

In 2006-2007 I decided to draw on a higher basis, and while it was a hobby where I should'nt make an extra-ordinary effort to execute a nice result, it became a bigger part of my everyday life.

I have always loved creativity, and even though that I haven't been aware of it, the creative has followed me close all my life.

At first I began drawing and practising with pencil, but later I was more and more ravished by the play with colors. Therefore I decided to try the Acrylic colors. A whole different door was opened. From day 1, it was really important for me, to find my own style, which could detach oneself from other stylearts.






Morten Gaarden                                            -                                                                         -                                           Tlf: 2336788